Current Highest Need Items:
- Diapers size 5,6
- Laundry detergent (HE) scented and fragrance free
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Toilet paper/Paper towels
- Latex free disposable gloves
Personal Care Items:
- Body Wash
- Deodorant
- Loofahs/wash cloths
- Shampoos and conditioners
- Shaving cream
- Reusable tote bags
- Baby wipes
- Pillows and pillow cases
Food Items:
- Cans of Coffee and powdered creamer
- Juice Boxes
- Individual size healthy snacks(fruit chews, pretzels)
Office Supplies:
- Ink pens/highlighters
- Copy Paper
- 1/3 tab manila folders, 3 prong folders
If you have any questions or have a large donation, please contact Rich Morrissey or Sharon Neetz, as our storage space is limited. Thank you.